
EFE Securities

1 year ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 29.05.2023

Mashonaland highlights the session... Mashonaland Holdings anchored activity aggregates in week-opener as 33.18m shares worth $1.69bn exchanged hands. The trade accounted for 98.02% of total volumes traded and 83.95% of the value outturn. Volumes swelled 1606.09% to 35.09m while, turnover declined 7.59% to $2.13m. Zimre Holdings headlined the winners of the day on a 15.00% surge to $23.0000, trailed by Zimpapers that rose 14.99% to $9.9700. TSL edged up 14.99% to settle at $277.7000 while, SeedCo Limited put on 14.55% to $741.8368. Conglomerate Meikles ticked up 14.34% to $1,143.1572. Edgars led the fallers of the day on a 10.71% dip to $50.0000 as banking group NMB trimmed 8.08% to $100.0000. Zimplow slipped 0.76% to $85.0000 while, Ariston completed the top five shakers of the day on a 0.0012% loss to $15.7500. The primary All Share Index extended 3.52% to 99230.53pts while, the ZSE Top Ten Index improved 3.73% to 60847.16pts. ZSE Agriculture Index gained 5.49% to 342.94pts while, the Mid Cap Index grew 2.77% to 179839.67pts. Morgan and Co MCS led the ETF rising tide as it charged 10.12% to $60.0000, followed by the Old Mutual ETF that shored up 4.08% to $20.9953. The Datvest ETF went up 3.42% to $5.1089 as the Cass Saddle ETF advanced 0.29% to $3.0086. The sole faller amongst the ETFs was the MIZ that shed 3.02% to $3.5662. Tigere REIT surged 14.72% to $92.7875 on 1.24m units, worth $115.16m.