
EFE Securities

2 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 21.06.2022

ZSE tumbles further in Tuesday''s session... The market tumbled further in Tuesday’s session as the primary All-Share Index plunged 1.91% to 22229.73pts while, the Blue-Chips Index dropped 2.54% to close at 14133.49pts. The ZSE Agriculture Index succumbed 0.88% to 123.96pts as the Mid-cap Index lost 0.30% to 41123.37pts. Brick manufacturer Willdale led the decliners on a 14.80% dip to $3.4000 while, First Mutual Properties plummeted 13.16% to end at $9.5522. Mining house Riozim gave up 12.41% to close at $96.3500, trailed by seed processor Seed Co Limited which eased 10.88% to $196.0609. Capping the top five fallers of the day was conglomerate Innscor which retreated 5.74% to $477.8099. Leading the day’s winners was clothing retailer Edgars which soared 10.77% to $5.0000 as financial services group Getbucks went up 6.67% to $16.0000. Milk processor Dairiboard grew 5.63% to $60.0000 while, bankers CBZ added 5.43% to $123.5061. Completing the top five gainers’ pack was General beltings which closed the day at $1.1102 on a 5.29% rise. Activity aggregates traded mixed as volumes declined 38.08% to 1.76m while, turnover went up 47.65% to $262.33m. Value leaders of the day were Econet, Delta, Simbisa and Tanganda which contributed a combined 72.25% to the outturn while, volume leaders were OK, Econet, Ecocash, Delta and Simbisa with respective contributions of 27.33%, 22.17%, 11.00%, 8.33% and 7.96%. A total of 2,946,878 ETF units worth $14,789,271 exchanged hands. Datvest and Old Mutual ETF shrunk 4.15% and 8.47% to close at $2.0998 and $9.7516 apiece. Morgan & Co Multi Sector and Made In Zimbabwe ETFs put on 3.58% and 1.31% to settle at $25.9565 and $1.1700 in that order. Padenga was the only counter to trade on the VFEX as it advanced 0.39% to USD$0.2585 on 8,040 shares.