
EFE Securities

1 year ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 19.10.2022

ZSE records slight gains... The ZSE recorded slight gains in mid-week session as gains in selected heavies lifted the market. The primary All Share Index ticked up 1.25% to 14066.02pts while, the Blue-Chip Index gained 1.55% to 8332.88pts. The ZSE Agriculture Index advanced 2.28% to 72.02pts as the Mid-Cap Index extended 0.63% to 30684.80pts. Agriculture concern CFI Holdings headlined the gainers’ list after a 15.00% jump to $411.2500, albeit on scrappy shares, followed by financial services group ZB surged 14.96% to $106.4000. First Mutual Properties went up 13.05% to $6.8639 while, Zimplow Holdings rose 10.45% to $14.4905. Simbisa capped the top five winner’s list on a 9.37% surge that took it to $197.0082. General Beltings led the laggards of the day on a 6.90% slump to close at $1.8456 while, Mashonaland Holdings sank 4.76% to $7.5396. Media group Zimpapers trimmed 3.58% to $2.8925 as Star Africa dropped 3.46% to close at $1.7000. Bankers First Capital rounded off the top five shakers of the day as it slid 3.18% to end pegged at $9.0207. Activity aggregates enhanced in the Wednesday’s session as volumes surged 190.73% to $3.11m shares while, the value outturn ballooned 236.63%. to $388.01m. Seventeen counters gained against nine that lost ground, to see the market recording a positive breadth of eight. Econet highlighted the session as it accounted for 48.72% of total volumes and 33.39% of turnover. Other notable value drivers were Innscor, Simbisa, National Foods and Delta that contributed 21.35%, 17.66%, 10.47% and 10.37% respectively. On the VFEX, Bindura gave up 1.64% to trade at USD$0.0300 while, Padenga lost 0.32% to USD$0.3384. Datvest ETF added 0.03% to $1.7330, as Old Mutual ETF gained 0.77% to $5.2748. MIZ and Morgan ETFs dropped 4.29% and 2.11% to close at $1.1500 and $23.4945 accordingly.