
EFE Securities

2 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 19.04.2022

ZSE rises further... The market opened the week in gains as firming demand continued in selected counters across the board. The All-Share Index surged 3.11% to end pegged at 22838.15pts while, the Industrial Index gained an almost similar 3.12% to close at 75518.73pts. The Mid-Cap Index went up 5.98% to 38438.96pts as the Top Ten Index added 2.18% to settle at 15017. 30pts. Headlining the gainers list was agricultural concern CFI Holdings which soared 20.00% to $186.0000, trailed by insurer First Mutual Holdings that advanced 18.33% to $26.0333. General Beltings enhanced 17.71% to $2.2043 while, National Tyre Services edged up 17.51% to close at $10.0000. Banking group NMB completed the top five best performers of the day on a 16.51% rise that took it to $24.2308. Zimre Holdings Limited led the laggards of the day on a 6.73% drop to $4.1972 as hotelier African Sun shed 2.81% to $11.1716. Bankers CBZ trimmed 2.44% to $129.9862 while, hotelier Rainbow Tourism Group lost 2.22% to $7.3333. FBC capped the top five worst performers of the day on a 1.45% slide to $54.0769. Activity aggregates were depressed in the session as turnover dipped 41.81% to $337.2m while, volume of shares traded declined 39.00% to see 1.9m shares exchange hands. Simbisa drove the aggregates in the session as it claimed 43.82% of the volume traded and 75.27% of the value. Other notable volume drivers were Zimre Holdings, Star Africa, Delta and Axia with respective contributions of 20%, 8.83%, 5.99% and 4.22%. Other notable value contributor was Delta that claimed 12.18% of the turnover. On the VFEX, only Padenga traded as it dropped 0.24% to USD$0.2100 on 7,065,096 shares. The ETFs registered gains as the Old Mutual ETF ballooned 18.31%, Morgan & Co ETF edged up 12.57% and the Datvest MCS rose by 0.36%. A total of 186,133 units worth $1,670,208.80 exchanged hands in the three ETFs.