
EFE Securities

1 year ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 15.12.2022

All Share enhances in mid-month trades... The market extended gains in the mid-month session as the All -Share Index advanced 0.94% to end at 15018.41pts. The Blue Chips Index added a similar 0.94% to 8755.35. The Agriculture Index added 0.16% to 71.08pts while, the Blue-Chip Index firmed up 0.48% to 33.887.76pts. Leading the gainers of the day was Ariston Holdings that jumped 12.47% to $3.4000 while, Axia rose 7.88% to settle at $86.6174. Beverages giant Delta Holdings surged 2.70% to $251.7709 while, bankers First Capital extended 1.08% to $10.9288. Fintech group Ecocash Holdings completed the top five winners’ list on a 1.04% uplift to close the day pegged at $35.4575. Retailers OK Zimbabwe headlined the laggards of the day on a 5.97% slump to $27.9757 followed by General Beltings that lost 5.42% to $1.7025. Zimplow Holdings dropped 2.33% to $16.5067 while, First Mutual Properties declined 0.36% to $10.0000. Cigarettes manufacturer BAT capped the top five losers pack of the day it slipped 0.17% to $2,875.0000. Activity aggregates were mixed in the session as volumes succumbed by 13.92% to 2.98m shares while, turnover swelled 144.20% to $472.67m. The market closed on positive breadth of five as thirteen counters gained ground against eight counters that lost their grip. Delta, Econet, Proplastics and Innscor were the top volume drivers of the day after contributing 38.53%, 16.94%,11.73% and 9.80% apiece. The top values drivers of the day were Delta, Innscor, Econet that claimed a combined 91.15% of the outturn. A total of 28,579 shares exchanged hands on the VFX with Padenga Holdings putting on 0.06% to USD$0.2260 while, Seed Co International was up 5.35% to USD$0.3290. Bindura was stable at USD$0.0230 on 18,300 shares. On the ETF section, Morgan and Co MCS firmed 14.29% to $24.0000 as the Old Mutual ETF charged 6.30% to $5.4405. The Datvest ETF eased 1.87% to $1.60000 while, Tigere REIT traded 4.64m units at $34.0000.