
EFE Securities

6 months ago

Market Commentary


ZSE commences new week in marginal gains…

The ZSE maintained its positive momentum in the week opening session as the mainstream All Share Index went up 0.83% to 255,730.17pts. The Blue-Chip Index put on 0.62% to close pegged at 114,583.46pts as demand in selected counters began to wane while, the Mid Cap Index gained 0.77% to settle at 988,996.25pts. The Agriculture Index was 1.81% firmer at 675.26pts.  Headlining the best performers list of the day was General Beltings that garnered 48.13% to close trading at $35.5500 while, Edgars jumped 15.00% only to be restricted by the circuit breaker at a price of $132.25000. Seed technology group SeedCo Limited notched up 15.00% to close trading at $1,150.0000 as sellers remained scarce while, the counter traded only scrappy 100 shares. Lone listed miner RioZim advanced 12.50% to end pegged at $900.0000 on scrappy shares again while, Proplastics fastened the gainers list of the day on a 3.70% ascent to $633.0000. Trading in the negative territory was property concern Mashonaland Holdings that plummeted 2.95% to $155.3250. The duo of Econet and BAT shed a similar 0.27% to see the former close at $1,007.7107 and the latter at $13,000.0000. Activity was skewed on the upside in the session as eighteen counters advanced against three that faltered.


Activity aggregates were mixed in the session as volume traded jumped 88.43% to 3.68m shares while, turnover faltered by 29.12% to see $1.27bn exchange hands. In the volume category, Ecocash was the most sought after stock as it claimed 58.33% of the total volume traded. Other notable volume drivers were Nampak and Econet with respective contributions of 18.91% and 12.90%. The threesome of Econet, Ecocash and Nampak led the turnover aggregates as they claimed a combined 90.25% of the total. In the ETF category only two funds registered price movements, as Datvest MCS dropped 0.09% to $11.6117. The Old Mutual Top 10 ETF was 0.08% firmer at $43.0338. A total of 399,754units worth $9.28m exchanged hands in the session. The Tigere REIT was stable at $350.0000 as 11,607 units traded.