
EFE Securities

2 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 06.12.2021

ZSE commences new week in the black... The market commenced the new week in marginal gains with all the benchmark indices closing in the black. The Mining Index was the top gainers amongst the indices as it recovered 1.79% to end at 7611.36pts while, the ZSE Top Ten Index added 0.45% to 6908.88pts. The All-Share Index put on 0.05% to 10895.58pts while, the Industrials closed at 36015.94pts after inching up a meagre 0.03%. Twenty-eight counters registered price movements distributed into eleven gainers and seventeen fallers, leaving the market with a negative breadth of six. Packaging group Nampak led the risers of the day after surging 13.74% to $12.0000 on a scrappy 100 shares. Trailing was Medtech class B that jumped 11.11% to $20.0000. Telecoms giant Econet extended 7.35% to close at a vwap $89.0528 as banking group NMB rose 3.80% to $11.0000. Nickel miner Bindura grew 2.88% to end pegged $6.0106 competing the top five winners’ list. Headlining the losers’ pack was NTS that dipped 13.46% to $5.4000 as RTG followed on a 12.14% retreat to $4.3700. Hotelier African Sun trimmed 11.63% to $5.7888 as Ariston shed a further 10.59% to $3.2263. Zimre Holdings capped the top five losers of the day on a 9.08% loss to $3.5873. Volume of shares traded jumped 51.60% to 4.76m, yielding a value outturn of $296.52m which was a 45.34% charge from prior session. Top volume drivers of the day were OKZIM and Econet which claimed 35.58% and 34.72% respectively. Econet, Delta and OKZIM accounted for 49.66%, 19.72% and 13.97% of the value outturn apiece. No trades were recorded on the VFEX in the session under review. The Old Mutual ETF was unchanged at $5.0000 on 35,371units.