
EFE Securities

1 year ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 05.10.2022

Mashonaland Holdings highlights the session... Mashonaland Holdings highlighted the midweek session as circa 88.35m shares worth $662.03m exchanged hands. The trade represented 95.46% of the total volumes traded and 58.21% of turnover. The other notable value driver of the day was Delta that contributed 21.98% of the aggregate. Activity aggregates surged in the session as volumes advanced 2477.67% to 92.55m shares while, turnover enhanced 296.11% to $1.14bn. The market closed with a negative breadth as twenty counters lost ground against twelve counters that went up. Leading the laggards of the day was clothing retailer Truworths, that dropped 14.97% to close at $2.2109. Retailer OKZIM succumbed 10.75% to $30.6489, trailed by National Foods that lost 8.41% to close the day pegged at $1,100.0000. Ariston Holdings trimmed 7.95% to $3.5337 while, telecoms giant Econet capped the top five losers of the day on a 7.88% retreat to $100.0504 on waning demand. Cafca Limited headlined the winners of the day on a 14.29% surge to $200.0000, followed by RioZim Limited that improved 10.58% to $115.0000. Apparel retailer Edgars ticked up 10.29% to $7.5000 as cement producer Lafarge went up 9.94% to close at $125.0000. Sugar refiners Hippo Valley concluded the top five gainers’ list on an 8.43% uplift to end pegged at $230. 0000. The market slumped into further losses in the session as the Primary All-Share Index tumbled 2.39% to 14079.81pts as the Blue-Chip Index retreated 2.95% to 8561.42pts. The Mid-Cap Index dropped 1.14% to 28861.48pts while, the ZSE-Agriculture Index gave up 2.46% to 72.74pts. Cass Saddle and Morgan and Co MCMS ETFs lost 12.80% and 0.71% to close at $1.8051 and $28.2972 respectively. The Old Mutual ETF marginally slipped 0.26% to close the day pegged at $5.1867. Contrastingly, the Datvest ETF added 0.48% to $1.7584.