
EFE Securities

2 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment - 01.02.2022

ZSE rebounds in month opener... The ZSE bounced back in Tuesday’s trades reversing previous session minor set setback. The mainstream All Share Index and the Industrial Index added a similar 0.97% to end at 12197.04pts and 40320.13pts respectively. The Top Ten Index rose 1.38% to 7925.43pt while, the Mid Cap Index lost 0.25% to settle at 21181.14pts. Construction group Masimba Holdings led the gainers of the day on a 10.93% surge to $50.0000, albeit on a scrappy 100 shares. Trailing was Turnall Holdings which climbed 10.37% to $5.5000 with Medtech and Mashonaland Holdings ticking up 8.23% and 7.78% to finish at $25.0000 and $2.9747 apiece. Conglomerate Meikles capped the winners’ pack as it inched up 4.22% to $125.0000. Leading the fallers’ set was logistics company Unifreight that eased 10.00% to $27.0000, followed by banking group NMB that let go 7.71% to $12.0000. First Mutual Properties shed 7.14% to $6.5000 while, clothing retailer Edgars stores continued to wane as it trimmed 6.89% to close at $4.5620. Completing the top five losers of the day was insurer Fidelity Life that slid 5.56% to $11.3333. The shakers of the day outnumbered gainers by a count of one as eighteen stocks faltered against seventeen that gained. Volume of shares traded jumped 29.33% to 2.31m as First Capital, TSL and Econet claimed a combined 51.34% of the aggregate. Turnover advanced 6.14% to $128.6m as Delta, TSL and Econet anchored the aggregate on respective contributions of 24.27%, 22.13% and 22.07%. Morgan and Co ETF slipped 0.43% to $13.5162 as 51,096 units worth $690,622.00 exchanged hands while, the Old Mutual ETF put on 0.85% to close at $8.4253. Elsewhere, no trades were registered on the VFEX.