
EFE Securities

10 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Comment 14.02.14

The mainstream index softened 0.27% to 188.99pts in an unusually quite week closing session. The bourse has been losing points in all successive sessions in the week against low sentiment in the economy and an expectation of lukewarm financials as we get deeper into the reporting season. So far only Afdis, Barclays and TSL have reported their 2013 numbers exhibiting strong performance in their respective sectors. The three companies however amongst the exceptions that were expected to impress owing to their robust respective business models. All have seen minimal movements on the ZSE post results release. Dragging the industrials were heavy caps Econet and OK which both surrendered prior session gains to 62c and 19.5c respectively. The minings on the other hand stuttered holding on a previous close of 33.61 pts. Only Bindura, among the mining stocks recorded trades at its previous price of 1.3c.