
EFE Securities

7 years ago

Market Commentary

Market Coment 04.04.2017

The ZSE Industrial Index ticked up in Tuesday trades despite rather subdued trading activity on the bourse where both the market spend and the volumes exchanged sank relative to yesterday. A mere 376,691 shares exchanged hands across the board indicating an 88% decline with the day’s top volume drivers emerging to be Axia that accounted for 67% of the aggregate. The value of trades succumbed 96% and ended at $88,114.37 on waning volumes with heavies BAT and SeedCO headlining the aggregate leaders on contributions of 29% and 23% respectively. Likewise, the foreign play was subdued as a paltry $536.28 in purchases were recorded against disposals of $32,717.08 leaving the market in a net funds outflow position