
EFE Securities

3 weeks ago

Market Commentary


ZSE slips into the red…

The market commenced the new week in red as the primary All Share Index lost 1.40% to 203.13pts while, the Blue-Chip Index fell 1.94% to 202.37pts. The Agriculture Index eased 0.08% to 177.24pts while, the Mid Cap Index rose 0.50% to 229.52pt. Star Africa led the laggards of the day on a 17.01% retreat to $0.0200, followed by Mashonaland Holdings that dropped 5.56% to $1.7000. Banking group FBC slipped 5.06% to close at $9.0000 while, newly owned fintech group Ecocash parred off 3.16% to $0.2900. Sugar processors Hippo completed the top five laggards of the day on a 2.60% slid to end pegged at $7.5000. Trading in the positive was ART that jumped 14.98% to $0.2415 while, tea producer Tanganda firmed up 7.01% to $1.9188. Retailer Ok Zimbabwe charged 2.19% to settle at $0.3078 as telecoms giant Econet firmed up 0.79% to end the day pegged at $2.9365.  The market closed with a negative breadth of three as seven counters recorded losses against four that faltered.

Activity aggregates declined in the session as volume traded fell 76.24% to 6.32m shares while, turnover dropped 74.45% to $5.93m. Top volume drivers of the day were OKZIM (52.26%), Zimre Holdings (31.51%) and Econet (13.40%). The trio of Econet, Delta and OKZIM highlighted the total value traded of the day after contributing 41.91%, 34.07% and 17.13% respectively. Morgan &Co Multi Sector ETF was stable at $1.9000 as 300 units exchanged hands while, 100 units traded in Datvest ETF at $0.0300. Tigere REIT trimmed 0.01% to end the day pegged at $$1.1925 after a total of 5,201 units exchanged hands in the name.