
EFE Securities

4 days ago

Market Commentary


Delta highlights the week-ending session…

Beverages concern Delta highlighted today’s session as circa 1.46m shares worth $18.74m exchanged hands in the name. The trade represented 66.84% of the total volumes traded and 95.97% of the value outturn. Volumes traded declined 52.74% to 2.18m yielding a turnover of $19.53m which was a 131.02% surge from prior session. OK Zimbabwe was the other notable volume driver with an 18.38% contribution to the aggregate. Datvest MCS rose 2.17% to $0.0235 while, the Old Mutual ETF improved 0.50% to $0.1830. The Morgan and Co MCS was the only faller of the day after a 1.19% loss to $0.4150. Cumulatively, 525,773 units worth $6,497.00 exchanged hands in four ETFs. The Tigere REIT charged 13.11% to close at $0.7052 as 140,147 units worth $98,836.31 were swapped.