Unifreight Africa Limited

    Unifreight Africa Limited is a listed corporation on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The companies within the Group can boast over 100 years combined experience in the local and regional transport industry, covering most areas of the transport sector, ranging from Courier services to Abnormal Loads. Unifreight is also the only logistics company in Zimbabwe that can boast a truly nationwide network, guaranteeing delivery and service anywhere within 48 hours.

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    285.00 0.00 ( 0.00%)
    Price at market close: 5 months ago
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    • Reports & Commentaries
      ZSE extends losses as selloff dominate…
      The market extended losses into the new week as sell-off in selected counters dominated across the board. The All-Share Index...
      Weekly Report - 01.09.2023
      The ZSE recorded marginal gains in the closing week of August on depressed trading activity as many players remained sceptical...
      MARKET COMMENT -2024-02-22
      ZSE rebounds in the penultimate session of the week… The ZSE rebounded in the penultimate session of the week as...
      MARKET COMMENT -2024-03-11
      ZSE closed in the black in week opener... The ZSE market buttressed prior session gains as the primary All Share...
      MARKET COMMENT 08.08.2024
      ZSE scratch gains in Thursday’s session… The All-Share Index gained 0.25% to close at 201.27pts while, the ZSE Top Ten...
      MARKET COMMENT 09.08.2024
      ZSE caps the day with marginal gains… The ZSE market capped the day with marginal gains of 0.26% to 201.79pts...
      MARKET COMMENT 07.10.2024
      SE falters in Monday’s trades… The ZSE market faltered in Monday’s trades as the All-Share Index retreated 2.75% to 245.85pts...
      MARKET COMMENT 29.10.2024
      Delta highlights the session… Delta highlighted Tuesday’s session after circa 1.68m shares worth $36.25m exchanged hands in the name. The...


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