
EFE Securities

3 days ago

Market Commentary


Firming demand propels ZSE to new all-time highs…

Demand continued to firm across the board to see indices reaching their all-time highs. The primary All Share Index charged 8.79% to 256.96pts while, the ZSE Top Ten Index jumped 10.74% to 284.39pts. The ZSE Agriculture Index put on 6.98% to 205.12pts while, the Mid Cap Index rose 3.32% to 177.09pts. The top five gainers recorded double digit gains in Friday’s session as Meikles garnered 15.00% to $5.5775. Banking group FBC soared a similar 15.00% to $8.6685 while, BAT surged 14.85% to $65.3132.  Property concern FMP notched up 14.84% to $0.4605 while, SeedCo Limited edged up 14.64% to settle at $5.4188. Fintech group Ecocash plunged 7.48% to $0.5107 as retailer OKZIM shed 4.71% to $0.8576. Lone miner RioZim trimmed 0.69% to end pegged at $1.3900 on 1,500 shares. Tea company Tanganda retreated 0.24% to settle at $3.6920 while, Willdale slipped 0.01% to $0.0400.


Activity aggregates were subdued in the session as volumes dipped 98.85% to 2.22m shares while, turnover succumbed 91.75% to $9.22m. Volume leaders of the day were OKZIM and SeedCo which accounted for 45.17% and 18.72% of the aggregate apiece. Value leaders of the day were Delta (30.43%), SeedCo Limited (24.38%), CBZ (13.72%) and Econet (10.13%). The Old Mutual ETF grew 0.66% to $0.1400 while, the Datvest MCS lost 0.41% to $0.0295. A total of 60,607 units worth $3,307.32 exchanged hands in three ETFs. The Tigere REIT added 5.21% to end at $1.0000 as 2.18m units exchanged hands.